O is for Outlander


I don’t have any of the streaming services like Netflix of Prime. I refuse to pay anymore money on things that allow me to waste anymore time than I already do. Once in a while I’ll discovered a TV show that I get hooked on and binge the whole thing. Like I when wasted two whole weekends binging watching Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones. (I told you I waste a lot of time.) 

 My local libraries offer some pretty great services. They’ve come along way from lending just books from when I was a kid. Every time I go to the library, I get few books and stroll over to the DVD section and get a couple of movies and TV series.

 I’ve seen a lot of customers check out the Outlander series and have heard some of co-workers talking about it. I thought why not. Now if you are sensitive to mature content this might not be the show for you.

 After watching the first episode I got hooked. It is a fantasy/romance flick. The main character time travels through a Stonehenge to mid-1700s and she desperately wants to get back to her husband in her own time. Then she meets Jamie a Highlander from the 1700s. Though she wasn’t interested in Jamie at first because she was married in her own time. Spoiler alert, she does marry Jamie in the 1700s and actually loves him more than her husband. There is a bunch of other stuff that goes before Claire find she loves Jamie more. I found the story very gripping. I also learned a bit about the Scottish and British history like the Jacobite and the Battle of Culloden.

 The good thing about discovering TV shows and movies after everyone’s watched it is that I don’t have wait for the next season. The whole series is right there at my library. And best part, I didn’t even have to pay for it.

 O is for Outlander Although, it could probably be for L for libraries or Outlander brought you by the library.


  1. Outlander scenes interesting specially as it is set in 1700s . I did hear this name..as I hav Netflix or Amazon ...will check if it's some where. It's great that u don't hav ott and not wasting time!

    Dropping by from a to z "The Pensive"

  2. I do get Prime, but not Neflix or any other streaming service, so I use the library also to check out TV series. And like you, I'm usually so late to the game, that I get watch what I want without waiting too much.

    My sister read all of the Outlander books and especially liked the history parts of it since that British Isles are where most of our ancestors came from.

  3. I have heard of this series but haven't watched any of it. I think my husband might have done so in the past. I do like all the things offered at the library. I always say the best gift a parent can give their child is a library card. Glad you can get what you might want to watch through your library! I do have Netflix and watch it a lot while working. The work is so easy (just prepping files) that we can watch movies/shows or listen to music as long as we use earphones and the like.



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