X is for Xenophile & Xenophobia


Here is what they mean:

Xenophile- an individual who is attracted to foreign people, cultures and manners.

Xenophobia – dislike of prejudice against people from other cultures.

 One of the characters from the Harry Potter series is Xenophilius Lovegood.   First, I think J.K. Rowling is a master at naming her characters.  Anyway, Xenophilius Lovegood is exactly what his name means. He loves everything that is new and strange. The stranger it is the more he loves it.

I wonder how different our world would be if we were a bit more a xenophile rather than a xenophobe.  I’m not saying we have to love every culture but we can appreciate it. I appreciate the Mexican cuisine, Italian, Greek, Bulgarian and more and more cuisines.  

I also love different traditions and cultures and clothes. I watch a certain travel show on my local public TV station. One of the things I like about the show is that the hosts talks about the local traditions and cultures. I love his enthusiasm for the different cultures.

 He explains why people believed what they believed and how the traditions started. You may find some of these traditions and beliefs strange but that doesn’t mean you can’t appreciate it.  One of the things that helped me appreciate other cultures was from a joke (or was it a proverb) that I heard. Here’s how it goes.

 An American family played host to a Chinese foreign exchange student.  The American family had a son the same age as the foreign exchange student and they became very good friends. At the end of his stay, the Chinese student invited the son to visit him in China to which the son agreed. When they arrived in China, the Chinese friend said before I show you around my country I need to first pay my respect to my ancestors. The American accompanied his friend to his family’s burial plot. The American stood back and observed his friend place a small bowl of rice on the grave. As they set out on their adventure, the American said to his friend jokingly, “How likely do you think it is one of your relative will come up to eat the bowl of rice?" To which the Chinese friend replied, “About as likely as one of your relatives will come up from the grave and smell the flowers.”

 I just thought this was a great example of appreciating different cultures. You don’t have understand it but you can certainly appreciate it.


X is for Xenophile & Xenophobia


  1. That Chinese American conversation is indeed a good example of acceptance we must develop towards other cultures ! I never analysed Xenophilous love goods name. Wow. Nice topic for x and grt msg !

    Dropping by from a to z "The Pensive"

  2. Love your Chinese/American story. I too enjoy learning about other cultures and where their traditions come from. The more we know about each other, the better we can appreciate each other. Nice food for thought today.

  3. I thought you handled the word as well as situation nicely. Our present "home" away from home is with an African tribe called the Acholi. Relationship is number one. They are teaching us alot.

  4. Very nice use of the letter X! You did a great job explaining both and then giving that fantastic example with the Chinese/American story. I do like to learn about new cultures and I do try to respect each culture too. So much can just be gained by being kind to one another and asking respectful questions if unsure of something.


  5. Xenophilius is a good name for that character.

    I haven't thought much about foreign cultures and people but you make a point. If we all appreciate people that are different from us, the world would be a better place.

    Have a lovely day.

  6. Janet, I have enjoyed your posts for the A to Z Challenge (and a couple of earlier ones). Sue’s A to Z reflections 2022


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