I Think God was trying to tell me something

 Hello Friends,

The hours of operation at my job has recently changed.  We are seven days a week operation now so my schedule has also changed.  I normally go to church every Sunday but now I have to work, I think God was trying to tell me He wasn’t happy about that. Here’s what happened.

Today is Sunday and I’m at work. I was rearranging some books on a shelf and a large hardback cover copy of the Bible fell on my foot. Coincidence or was God telling me he’s not happy? One could reasonably argue, it was just a coincidence. But there was another large hardback book of the same size right next to the Bible that stayed put.

If it was God, l hope He’s got it out of his system.


  1. I think God was trying to tell you something. Maybe you should ask for a religious exemption for Sundays. Or maybe God would say, "If I wanted you to learn a lesson, I'd use something bigger than a Bible." Only you and God know the real answer.

    Have you ever had another book fall on you? One time when my sister and I were back in my parents' house, a book fell off the bookshelf upstairs when we were downstairs. The house had been empty since my father had died and my mother was in the nursing home. The book had a significance like it was Daddy saying to take care of our mother. It was spooky, but I think it was a coincidence. Except...a friend had been to the house a few days earlier and had a hard time opening the front door. When she got it open, she swears she saw my father on the other side and he had helped her open the door. Like I said-spooky.


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